Saturday, February 26, 2011

Empty Nester

The Dreamers Background Info
My very first post is a dream that my mom recently shared with me. Before I tell you the dream and my interpretation, let me give you a little information about my mom's current situation. I moved out in October and recently broke up with my boyfriend after dating him for a year and a half. I have one sibling, a sister. She has been married for six years and had a baby boy in December.

The Dream
 Now that you have some basic information I will share my moms dream. I accompanied her to a doctors appointment and when she was called back I stayed in the waiting room. She said that in her dream she started to walk down the hallway and saw a large male nurse coming toward her with a poison filled syringe. She turned and started running back towards the waiting room but woke up completely panicked before she got to the waiting room.

The Interpretation
My interpretation is that she views me as her protector (emotionally) and that right now she feels vulnerable and alone. Ever since my sister moved out six years ago my mom and I have grown very close, she has really come to depend on me for advice and support. Also, I am a nurse by trade. The presence of the nurse in her dream signifies that she has felt threatened by my absence, in her reality, and that she is running away from it, she will not accept it. The fact that the nurse was male means that she has felt threatened by the absence of my ex-boyfriend in her life (She really loves and repects him. They grew very close during the time we dated.). The poison in the syringe represents the loneliness my mom feels as her life changes and her children grow up, start having their own families and making their own decisions. She is not ready for this change, it terrifies her.

The interpretation could go on from here, but I will try to make this first post as brief as possible. I really hope that anyone who is reading this isn't turned off by the fact that I am a main player in her dream. I decided to share this example because it happened recently and also to acknowledge my moms feelings and let her know that I am still here for her and I love her so much. I really love doing this. I have some books to help, but mostly I go off of my own instincts and insights. When I use outside sources I will make sure to post the book or site I use, I don't want to take credit for insightful knowledge that isn't my own. If you have a dream that you would like me to analyze and interpret please email me at I might email you back with some additional questions before I give my interpretation. My goal is to eventually post one dream per day. If you email me your dream there is a chance it will and up on my blog along with my interpretation, but the postings can remain anonymous. For everyone reading this, thank you so much for taking the time to read. Please, please participate.


  1. Very interesting. I'm not one to have dreams. Expect for that fact in college, remember? And the one I had about Calvin. But other than that, no dreams to share. THis is kind of cool though. Can't wait to read more.

  2. You made me thought about being empty nesters, even thoug I think I am ok , but in my hart I amiis having you and your home.Thanks for sharing , maybe with others empty nesters.Hope it will help us to completaly let go of our kids.

  3. Do you know anything about night terrors?

  4. Only that they scare people like no other... I will do some research and find out more for you.


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