Symbols in this dream
Sexual orientation, a child
The Dreamer
The following dream was submitted by a successful business owner. Him and a business partner have been working together for about five years and were friends long before they went into business together. They wish to remain anonymous, so for the purpose of the blog we'll call the person who submitted this dream Dirck and the one who had the dream Garick.
The Dream
"Garick had a dream about me last night. He said it was very vivid and he said I came out of the closet and told everyone I was gay. He said I could still hang out with him because he knew I wouldn't hit on him. He said the only problem he had with it is that I was abandoning (my baby)."
The Interpretation
Dirck and his wife recently had their first baby. All of you who are parents know how much time it takes to care for a baby, and also that this baby takes priority over everything else. Garick has seen this shift in Dirck's life. His dream represents an internal conflict. Garick would accept certain sacrfices on Dirck's part (including his sexual orientation) to have more of his time, but knows that there are certain areas of Dirck's life that cannot be neglected (his child).
Many dream theorists have suggested that our dreams evolve from and revolve around our sexuality. I think that in most cases dreams are based more around emotional conflicts or suppressed emotions. Let it our Garick! Just let it all out!
I love gay people