Friday, March 18, 2011

Which, witch is wich....?

Symbols in this Dream
Spotlight, River, Helicopter, Water

The Dreamer
The following dream was submitted by Julia, 29 year old, single female.... and boy was it a doozie. I read it a few times and then I started to see patterns and to realize that the dream is definitely cohesive.

The Dream
It starts out (with) my group of friends are practicing for the ward talent show in the church cultural hall.  I remember my friends Lolo and Michelle and my brother Nick.  In one point of the dance we line up. Michelle and I are in the front and Nick and Lolo are in the back.  We each take a turn and spin out to show our moves. Lolo and Nick spin out but the spotlight is on me and Michelle.  Lolo gets upset and tells us it needs to be on her.  We decide to take a break and Michelle is showing me her move, which is to slide out to the side on her stomach. Also, Lolo decides to hand out glow sticks.  I told her they wouldn't last until the real performance but she didn't care. 
Then Nick, Lolo and I start watching these houses slide off the side of this cliff and into a river.  I was freaking out and Nick told me they were just power washing the homes.  I told him we should warn them., so we set off in a helicopter.
We fly somewhere else and I decide to hang off the back.  I am holding on for dear life to the bars.  My cell phone is on my lap and it's starting to fall off. I am not sure whether to let go and grab my cell phone or hang on so I don't fall. I decide to place my cell phone in my pocket and I go to place it in there and I realize there are now dollar bills instead of my cell phone.  Oh and there are french fries in my front pocket of my hoodie.  Then the helicopter goes under water and I the fish start to attack me because of the french fries.  And then I wake up....

This dream is saturated with metaphors that point to internal conflict. If this dream were a movie it would be titled Julia ______ vs the World. The first encounter with conflict is when the spotlight is on Julia instead of the dancers. The spotlight in this dream represents control or placing blame. Julia's friend gets upset because the spotlight wasn't on her, yet Julia had no control over the spotlight and was blamed (in Julia's opinion unjustly) for this mistake.
The next conflict that Julia encounters begins when she suggests that they warn the potential victims of a disaster she is witnessing. Great idea Julia! By the way... was the river that you saw at the bottom of the cliff murky or clear? Was the water running fast or slow?  Slow and clear are related with ease, or peace. Pay attention to details.
So.... back to saving lives.
Why oh why is Julia taking the "back seat", not to mention putting herself in danger, when they climb aboard the helicopter? It was her idea to get on the helicopter in the first place! Maybe, just maybe, Julia finds herself trying to help people, in her real life, and finds herself feeling penalized for doing good deeds. Although Julia's kind acts may not pan out the way she expects, the helicopter demonstrates that she has conviction in her actions because she is flying high, above everything else.
But wait! The helicopter crashes right? So that must mean that her conviction eventually comes crashing down...? Wrong. The helicopter goes under water, there is no mention of a crash. However, Julia does end the dream under water feeling that she is being attacked. Again, a sign of conflict within Julia. The water could possibly drown her (overwhelm her) or she can swim to the surface and conquer her attackers, they were afterall only fish, and not a family of hungry great whites. Was the water clear? Warm? Julia, in the ocean of your life, the problem(s) that brought about this dream is merely a pack of fish. You don't know how the dream ends, but I think you have already decided how this conflict will turn out... with you as champion.

Do we have dreams without any meaning at all? Absolutely. Did I think this was one of those dreams when I first read it? Without a doubt. Is my interpretation correct? Only Julia can decide that. When it comes to our dreams and the interpretation of them, if it doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. We know ourselves way better than we think, our dreams are just another way that we reinforce that familiarity to ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am actually very surprised you found this much symbolism in my dream. I was thinking it was just random and I just wanted to have something of mine that was current for you to interpret. This is so my life right now. I feel like the spotlight is on me because of other's choices. I don't want it but I don't know how to get rid of it. I'm also thinking that I don't want to focus on the spotlight so I am putting my focus on other things like helping others. Thanks Trish! I am amazed at how relevant it is to what is going on in my life right now.

    Oh and the water at the end was bluish green. I remember looking up and seeing the sun coming through. :) Thanks again!


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